Thursday, January 27, 2011

WIBW Today at 4

Bryce Benedict and I will join Ralph Hipp on WIBW TV at 4 p.m. today to talk about the 150th of Kansas. Bryce is the author of Jayhawkers: The Civil War Brigrade of James H. Lane. We'll be visiting about events marking the sesquicentennial of the Civil War and encouraging folks to check out the Civil War Roundtable of Eastern Kansas. The CWRT meets this evening at the Koch Education Center at the Kansas State Historical Society, 6:30 p.m., and is open to the public. Our speaker tonight is the eminent Dr. Herschel Stroud, nationally recognized as an expert on Civil War medicine. He will be discussing Abraham Lincoln. The membership of our CWRT is so diverse, so committed to understanding and learning. It is a great way to introduce students to the study of the Civil War so we invite you to bring your class or your kids and join us!

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