Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Flag Waving

The 4th of July is coming up which means the annual Collins Park parade. Kids and dogs, bagpipes and calliope, flags and ribbons--it is all-American and a real spectacle.

The flags and banners are as pervasive as dandelions. I have always wanted to display the above Revolutionary era flag, but Tom won't let me. I have always liked this image. It's honest. While looking online for the photo, I came across information posted by Chris Whitten on the history of the various snake image flags. The one above is called the Gadsden flag for Col. Christopher Gadsden. Visit

Another interesting week in radioland. For those of you who have commented that you're having trouble with the webfeed, I've passed along the comments to management and we hope to have it fixed. Thanks for listening, online or on the airwaves, and please, call in with your questions.

1 comment:

Political Umpire said...

The past week also represents, if I'm not mistaken, the 145th anniversary of Gettysburg. Now there's an occasion to ponder ...